Why the Leaning Tower Of Pisa Doesn’t Topple Over

Leaning Tower of Pisa

The Leaning Tower of Pisa is one of the most iconic landmarks in the world, and its precarious tilt has always left people wondering: why hasn’t it fallen over yet?

The answer lies in the tower’s center of gravity. Despite its lean, the center of gravity remains within the base of the tower. This means that the force of gravity pulling down on the tower is evenly distributed, preventing it from toppling over.

A Little History

The tower’s lean was a result of a flawed foundation built on soft, unstable soil. Construction began in 1173, but after five floors were completed, the tilt became noticeable. Work was halted for nearly a century, and when it resumed, builders tried to compensate for the lean by adding higher floors on the uphill side. This ingenious solution allowed the tower to be completed in 1372, but it also made the lean even more pronounced.


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